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Who we are: We are a family with 5 beautiful children living in the Chicagoland area. The President, Fred Turner, has a degree in Industrial Design from Western Michigan University. We hope these products will serve people better than the current options available on the market and improve the style of their surroundings.

How the Protech Shield came to be:  While sitting in church one day Fred noticed that the cheap wire exit sign protector near him was broken probably from balls hitting it over the years. After the service was over, he looked at the other 6 wire exit sign protectors and noticed that each and everyone was broken or bent and did not look very attractive. He then went home and searched the internet for other types of exit sign protectors and found that most of what was available was the cheap, poorly designed thin wire models. There were some other plastic options that were very expensive and not very attractive. Fred came up with a simple, sleek design that is more attractive and much more durable than what is currently on the market at a reasonable price. We hope you like the ProTech Shield.

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